Igor Kochmala est un web-designer qui adore passer son temps sur Photoshop. Il s’est lancé il y a quelques années un petit défi personnel : modifier les visages de certains acteurs, afin de les faire correspondre à ce qu’on appelle la suite de Fibonacci.
Décrite en 1202 par le mathématicien Leonardo Fibonacci, la suite de Fibonacci correspond à une suite d’entiers dans laquelle chaque terme est la somme des deux termes qui le précèdent. Graphiquement, cet exercice crée une spirale en dessinant des arcs de cercles reliant les coins opposés de carrés dans un pavage Fibonacci : c’est beaucoup plus facile à comprendre avec un gif.
Ainsi, notre graphiste du jour s’est inventé en quelque sorte un cabinet de chirurgie plastique imaginaire, afin d’appliquer les principes de Fibonacci en superposant ses « figures parfaites » par-dessus les visages de Jack Nicholson et de La Joconde, entre autres. Le résultat ? Et bien, à vous de juger !
Et visiblement, Igor Kochmala aime beaucoup jouer avec la fameuse suite d’or. Dans un précédent projet, il l’a appliquée dans un exercice de webdesign visant à réorganiser des sites web connus.
ok im officially closing this tab of my browser. this is the end for me. farewell, weirdos.
Wow we wrote so much!
Woo i could give you guys a plus
Nah nvm it doesn’t work
But are you sure?
Haha you said butt
No i didnt! i said but
haha you said it again! You must like butts a lot. pervert.
ok now thats just insulting i never said butt okay i was only trying to have a conversation with the second me!
My business is done here. my mom doesnt want me to hang out with butt-liking perverts
yeah you better run. you’re the one who likes butts
whatever you say, pervert.
Slowyspeed, your schizophrenia is taking control again.
noooooo… *rips off mental asylum bracelet*
It’s such a weird phenomenon, isn’t it. I hate it when this happens
I’m just a random dude randomly chatting in a random comment section with random people who happens to be my long lost triplets.
Just a random dood randomly talking in a random comment section
With random people that happens to be my long lost triplet
sadly, i have to leave you strangers claiming to be my siblings because i have very important work to do. someone wants to know how much fuel is in madame Bolduc’s car so they can sabtoage it and kill her
No need, I have Nerf water guns
Oh, CASUAL SPEED! I REMEMBER! WE WERE SEPARATED AT BIRTH! Guess the gang’s back together
Same, I’m actually your long lost triplet, just like SlowySpeed.
I actually refer to myself as a « bloub » not a blob. You see, there is a very distinct although incredibly important difference between those two words because one of them has an extra u
Hi, CasualSpeed. I’m Speedyspeed, and the weird blob over there is Slowyspeed. I like long walks on the beach, death and depression. Do you eat other peoples finger nails?
Nice chat you guys are having there. I’ve got to say, though, that this is a place to comment on the Fibonacci tranformation, and not about childrens and transgender’s rights.
Indeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed I am
ah! you’re at it again with your childishnishneshlish!
I have to say, No u
I have to say, Speedyspeed, i find your comment insulting. how dare you forget about the transgender breed, as well as people who are not sure what they are.
Quite an interesting inquiry, Slowyspeed. I’d have to deny your quick conclusion to say that it isn’t a girl. Deep inside, if we try hard enough, anything can be a gir. Except anything that’s actually a boy. #malesupremacy
in the previous comment you said the last one was a girl. I beg to differ that it is not. i believe the term for it is « thing »
My teeth itch
Always has been
but is it reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally?
Girls are temporary. Indeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed is forever.
ok….. indeeeed then
Indeeed. You’ve been beaten by a child.
I can’t believe you managed to pick her up, seeing as how childish you are
No u
How could you she was mine!
Not as serious as my relationship with them.
i was being serious tho
Stop laughing they’re still more attractive then you’ll ever be
what a hottie… wouldn’t mind dating that last one
Sweet home alabama